+971 2443 4448


Abu Dhabi, UAE

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9D & IMD Breathwork

9D & IMD Breathwork


A journey that transcends conventional healing and wellness practices, 9D Breathwork is a revolutionary, multi-sensory experience that catapults you into new dimensions of emotional healing, subconscious reprogramming, and mental well-being.

Created by breathwork professionals from Bali, this groundbreaking approach combines breathwork, hypnosis, and multi-dimensional soundscapes into a transformative odyssey that is, quite simply, like no other.

But what sets 9D Breathwork apart isn’t just its innovative methodology; it’s the profound impact it has on releasing past traumas. This is a holistic, immersive experience designed to engage your breath, your subconscious mind, your emotional body, and your energetic fields. The end result? A life-altering journey that shatters the boundaries of what emotional healing and personal growth can be.

Fridays 6:00pm – 8:00pm

295AED – get 50% off your first session using the code UB50

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