+971 2443 4448


Abu Dhabi, UAE

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Lifeline Talk - Dubai Cares Donation

Lifeline Talk – Dubai Cares Donation


In today’s society mental health has become one of the major topics practitioners are required to address with respect to various healing modalities through care, empathy, patience, kindness & compassion. Our mental health includes emotional psychological & social well-being and how they affect the way we think feel and behave, which impacts the everyday functioning of our lives.
Mental illness/imbalance/disorders can range from mild to severe emotional paralysis interfering with sleep hygiene and work relationships often leading to self-harm, helplessness, hopelessness, numbness, feeling stuck, unmotivated, mood swings, volatile & violent behaviour.
As a Lifeline practitioner of ten years and Counsellor spanning 26 years, Jacquie notes that it can be challenging for loved ones to detect behaviour that ultimately has irreversible consequences. This talk will offer insights for those seeking guidance in all areas of mental health.
Donations go to Anera who are boots on the ground support in Gaza, through the Dubai Cares initiative.
Monday 13th May
7:00pm – 8:00pm

SKU: 11260 Category: Tag: