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Ayurvedic Routines

Ayurvedic Routines


InSync with the Seasons ~ Rutucharya ~ Ayurvedic Seasonal Routines & Rituals

As we uncover more evidence-based science on the benefits of Chronobiology and Chrononutrition, we pay homage to Ayurveda, the Ancient Science of Life and Longevity, which has long emphasised these principles as key pillars of health and vitality. Our journey commenced with an exploration of these fundamentals through Dinacharya, the daily routine, and we are now delving into Rutucharya in our upcoming session.

Rutucharya, a core Ayurvedic practice, aims to harmonize the body with nature’s cycles to promote health and prevent seasonal imbalances. It considers factors such as weather, predominant doshas (bio-energies), and lifestyle modifications to enhance well-being year-round.

Following Rutucharya guidelines can enhance immunity and longevity, offering benefits for both healing and prevention.

Join us as we learn how to incorporate Rutucharya into your daily rituals and routines, especially during this era of unpredictable climate shifts. Accompanied with Guthealthy Bites & Sips from CulturedFoodUniverse.

Thursday 19th September

11:00am – 1:00pm


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Panchakarma ~ the Ayurvedic Detox Procedures

Tuesday 22nd October

10:30am – 12:00pm

Exploring further the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, the Science of Life & Longevity, we delve into the widely practiced methods of Panchakarma.

Panchakarma is a traditional Ayurvedic therapy designed for detoxification and rejuvenation to purify the body, mind & energy. This treatment includes five main procedures: Vamana ( Emesis), Virechana ( Purgation), Raktamokshana (Bloodletting), Basti ( Medical Enemas), and Nasya (Nasal drops), along with the essential prep work known as Poorva Karma. These procedures are highly customized for therapeutic and preventive benefits, enhancing stress management, holistic health, and overall well-being. Discover how to safely and effectively incorporate these ancient practices into your personal journey towards holistic health and wellness by joining us. Accompanied with Guthealthy Bites & Sips from CulturedFoodUniverse

Unpacking the Doshas ~ Bioenergies Demystified

Monday 25th November

10:30am – 12:30pm

In Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of Life and Longevity, the Tridosha is a core concept. It is a topic that sparks interest and is widely discussed in online communities, yet it is often misunderstood. Today, let’s explore this concept and aim to gain a deeper understanding of it.

The Tridoshas represent the three primary bioenergies or principles that govern the functions of the human body and mind. Known as Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, each of these bioenergies is a combination of two of the five major elements of the Universe (Pancha Mahabhutas) ~ space, air, fire, water, and earth. In Ayurveda, maintaining health and well-being relies on understanding and balancing these doshas. By following appropriate diets and lifestyles, individuals can harmonize their unique dosha constitution (Prakruti), promoting a healthy and balanced life. Accompanied with Guthealthy Bites & Sips from CulturedFoodUniverse