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Bodytree Wellness Studio > News & Blog  > Science of Stretching: Helping Men Improve their Flexibility by Kia Turner: Physiotherapist

Science of Stretching: Helping Men Improve their Flexibility by Kia Turner: Physiotherapist

To stretch or not to stretch? This has been an ongoing debate within the scientific community for many years with many studies previously showing little carryover.

But in the last 3-5 years there has been a resurgence of research into the area, and this has yielded some very intriguing answers! I went through this body of research with a fine-tooth comb to bring you the cutting-edge results. 

Improved flexibility has been demonstrated to enhance performance and reduce injuries. Wouldn’t it been interesting to know if there was another, even more effective way of improving flexibility in significantly less time!? Have you heard of sarcomerogenesis?

A sarcomere is the smallest unit of muscle and sarcomerogenesis is the creation and serial deposition of new sarcomere units. Via this process we can make mechanical changes to the muscle, that improve flexibility. But how? All the answers to the above questions and more are in the concise (under 5 minutes) presentation on the Science of Stretching: Helping Men Improve their Flexibility. 

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